Historical Society of Bloomfield
About the Historical Society of Bloomfield

The Historical Society of Bloomfield is an outgrowth of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of 1962. It was incorporated in 1966. The Society is a non-profit organization and dues are tax deductible.



  • Bring together those people interested in history, and especially in the history of Bloomfield and neighboring communities
  • Discover and collect material which may help to establish or illustrate the history of the area
  • Provide for the preservation of such material and for its accessibility for examination and study
  • Undertake the preservation of historic buildings, monuments and markers
  • Disseminate historical information by publication in newspapers or otherwise
  • Hold meetings with lectures, discussions and related activities, for the benefit of members and the public

From the TIA Glass Slide Collection
Historical Society of Bloomfield Collection



We rely on volunteers to help run the Historical Society and Museum. If you are interested in volunteering, call or email, or stop by the museum during regular hours.

90 Broad Street
Bloomfield, NJ 07003


Jean Kuras

Mark Sceurman
Vice President

John Debold

Mary Shoffner
Corresponding Secretary



Joe Barry

Tina Caridad

Dean Cole

Rich Rockwell

Mark Szep


Publicity and Newsletter Editor

Ava Caridad